Sunday, August 7, 2011

2 Years Natural !!!

Wow, I've been gone for so long !!!

Well on July 29th, 2011, I celebrated my second Big Chop-iversary !!! I went to the salon the next day for a Domincan blowout.

I haven't had much of anything going on in my HJ, besides getting my hair colored professionally !! It came out as brown/copper like color.

I also started playing around with braidouts on reverted flat ironed hair. I LOVE THEM !!!

That's all that's going on in my world right now. I will be back with some more updates later :)

May 2011 Sew-In with Mongolian Kinky Curly Hair:

June 2011-Length Check, Blowout, & New Color!!!

July 2011- Ponytails, Blowouts, and Braidouts !

August 2011-Length After Trim and My Color Growing Out !!


  1. Hey welcome back. Your hair looks great. I like the color. Please update more frequently for those who subscribe and follow you. Happy hair growing. Can't wait until I'm bsl. I am at that awkward stage past shoulder length but not bsl. Hopefully by Dec I will be there. How often do you flat iron your hair?

  2. Wow! Your hair has come such a long way. I'm loving the color!!

  3. Your hair is growing so lovely! I can't wait till my 2 year chopaversary. But first, let me make it to my first in October.

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!! **picks jaw up from floor** =)

  5. love it! your hair is gorgeous!! :o)

  6. Your hair is aaaawwweeeee-some!!! You have really grown and retained a lot. And you've totally perfected that roller set!! Congrats, girlie!!!!!

  7. Thank you ladies !!!!

    Valerie, I would say that I flat iron once a month. I'm trying to avoid using heat for a long time though, I want to retain as much length as possible. I will be protective styling for the remainder of the year :)

  8. You are wearing that look!
    I wonder what you hv going on these days. Sigh.
