Saturday, September 25, 2010

Braidout on Stretched Hair

I did a braidout on my previously blow dried hair !!

I only used some of my leftover Mango Butter by Elasta QP to do it =). I did a side to side cornrow pattern in the back of my head, and in the front I used some straight back cornrows. I was pleased with my results ! The youtube videos I made do this style better justice than what you see in this video though. I am on the hunt for some more curling products to experiment with over time. For now I'm still in love with my vanilla mint serum & green tea shea butter combo for great braidouts that are very moisturized !!

Here are some pics of it :

Here is the braid pattern that I did and the link to the youtube video on it :

Thank you so much for reading ladies !!!

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