Going into this year, I decided to keep my HJ goals very simple. I made ONE set of goals for the year, which I tried to adhere to the entire time. Of course certain things needed to be tweaked along the way (detangling process, rollersetting techniques, braid and twistout styling, etc) but I MADE SURE that I always did everything in accordance to meeting these goals. Now that the end of the year is approaching, it's time I give myself a personal evaluation =)
Here were my goals for this year:
2010 GOALS
- Gain Thicker, Stronger Hair. MAINTAIN HEALTHY HAIR - Make a Nice, Full Natural Ponytail
- Master the art of Rollersetting my Natural Hair !
- Retain All Length
- Use Castor Oil & MN to regrow my damaged nape and thicken up edges
- Protect & Nourish My Ends
- Deep Condition w/ Heat for Better Penetration and Manageability
- Continue to Moisturize & Seal Regularly to Prevent Dryness & Breakage
Continue to leave my hair alone for optimal growth !Overall, I feel I met all of the goals I set, however I feel I could have placed stronger emphasis on a few. Those goals include using castor oil & MN to regrow my nape/edges, deep conditioning with heat, and protecting and nourishing my ends.
I haven't been using anything on my poor edges to try to re-grow them. My goal in 2011 is to oil my edges EVERY other day... that's 3 to 4 times a week. I really know I can do it, and I'm committing myself to doing this.
As for deep conditioning, I think we all love our DC's with heat in the winter, but we slack off once spring/summertime rolls around and go back to cowashing. Sadly, even once the weather became cold, I still continued to wash as if the weather were warm. Prepoos overnight are great, but not enough. This winter is supposed to be extremely cold. Time to break out the dryer and probably invest in a steamer as well. I am committing to deep conditioning with heat
at least every other wash, but I will try to make this EVERY wash for the duration of the winter and early spring. I also committ to DC-ing with heat as soon as the summer heat passes, and not waiting until it's winter.
As for nourishing my ends, I did a pretty good job with this task. I always remembered to moisturize and seal. In fact it's so innate that I don't have to remember to do it, I just do everynight before bed. I like to braid my hair into loose braids at night, and I dont do them w/o using a moisturizer first. However, I do feel I could do a better job of baggying my hair. I am committing to baggying my ends
at least twice a week in 2011. I like to baggy for about 30 mins only, anything else would be too much and leave my hair over moisturized.
So there is my list...It's pretty simple and very realistic. I don't want to make outrageous goals that I know I can't possibly oblige to. I encourage you to make your own very basic haircare goals this year, in addition to your length goals. Your haircare will determine how much length you retain, so don't be so quick to overlook the small details ;)
HHJ Everyone. May all your hair dreams come true in 2011 !!!!